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fear - an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat; a feeling of anxiety concerning the outcome of something or the safety and … Read more about Fear

Ask Me

Driving is one of my favorite things. Over the last month, I’ve found my car to be a very special place. Not solely for the solitude, but for the time I’m able to spend talking with my … Read more about Ask Me


It's about time for a quick update :)   As of 2 weeks ago, I am now a resident of Gainesville, Georgia for at least the next 4ish months which feels so weird. A good weird. I officially … Read more about Change


Welcome to my CGA blog! You made it :) Let me start by giving you a little backstory. In 2011, I went on my first international mission trip to Nicaragua with my youth group as a little 16 year old. … Read more about Why CGA

About Me

The Lord called me to a life on mission long ago, but it wasn't until the World Race where I actually began digging deeper into what that meant and how to actually live with a Kingdom lens. Over the … Read more about About Me

Amanda Blakley

The Center for Global Action exists to mobilize a generation to be passionate followers of Jesus who live out their faith whether at home, professionally, or church planting overseas.